
LPC Board Member Coaches

Several LPC Board Members are certified pickleball coaches. Click on their names to contact them directly.

  • Great introduction to advanced skills - including demonstrations and supervised practice.

    Susie M

  • When Pickelball first came to Lexington some years ago- pre-covid- we were shown how to serve and taught the rules. No other instruction was available locally. How far we have come! How exciting to have these workshops at our disposal!

    Karen W

  • The instructors are knowledgeable, enthusiastic and most importantly patient! With these helpful workshops and practice I know I am on my way to 3.5!

    Eric P

  • It was impressive to see the group’s pickleball skills tangibly improve over the course of a couple of hours!

    Roger T

  • PK and Janna are great instructors who provide lots of positive feedback. In two hours, we covered many topics. I learned new techniques that I look forwarding to trying on the court. I can't wait to take another class.

    LPC Member

  • The instructions, interactions with other players and high energy level made it fun and easy to learn.

    LPC Member