
  • Membership

    LPC membership is open to individuals ages 16+ who are interested in connecting with the pickleball community in Lexington, MA. Currently membership is free and includes access to group sessions, lessons, social events and more! We look forward to meeting you!

  • Daily Communications

    LPC uses TeamReach for daily communication between members. Questions like:

    “It’s raining, is the session on?”

    “I left my jacket at the courts!”

    “What time is the open house?”

    TeamReach is not like Facebook or Instagram and not intended for casual discourse.

    LPC posts play sessions on PlayTime Scheduler (PTS). Use the PTS website to find and sign-up for sessions.

  • Emails & Forms

    LPC sends an email to members generally 1x/month with news of upcoming sessions and events, and pickleball-specific content.

    LPC sends emails to people registered for sessions:

    • If sessions have changed or as a reminder sessions have started (not last minute weather updates)

    • To notify players that a new session is available on PlayTime Scheduler (PTS). Note PTS sends emails to notify players they are off a waitlist.

    Members may contact LPC through this form »

    LPC Grace Chapel player waiver »