Where to Play Pickleball

The Lexington Pickleball Club has arranged for dedicated open play and special workshop times at several locations. A membership is required to sign up to play. Most of these sessions are free.

To ensure all LPC LexRec Members have access to these court times, LPC reserve the right to limit attendance to 2 sessions per week.

All players must abide by a general code of conduct: Players should always behave respectfully, in a way that reflects well on themselves and the game of pickleball. Players exhibiting offensive behavior will be given a warning once. Repeat offenders will be removed from the Club and our TeamReach group.

Grace Chapel

The indoor sessions at Grace Chapel cost $15 per drop in/person. You can also buy a bundle to save. The space is wonderful and climate controlled. More details here.

Court Times

Dedicated playtime outdoors at the Lexington courts ended Nov 18th as the season is officially closed for the town. We have adjusted our indoor offering at Grace Chapel throughout December and into early 2024 for everyone to enjoy Pickleball. Please check playtimescheduler.com for up to date listings. Grace Chapel play does require you to sign a waiver for the location.

Day of Week Time Location Court Level
Monday 9am - 11am Adams Field Court 1A 3.5+
Court 1B 2.0 - 3.25
Monday 9am - 11am Grace Chapel Gym 3 Courts
Wednesday 9am - 11am Grace Chapel Gym 3 courts
Thursday 9am - 11am Adams Field Court 1A 3.5+
Court 1B 2.0 - 3.25
Friday 9am - 11am Grace Chapel Gym 3 Courts
Saturday 9am - noon Clarke Court 2A & 3A 3.5+
Court 2B & 3B 2.0 - 3.25
Saturday 6pm - 8pm Grace Chapel Gym Court 1 - 3 Workshops
Sunday 3pm - 5pm Clarke Court 2A & 3A 3.5+
Court 2B & 3B 2.0 - 3.25

Where to Play Pickleball in Lexington?

The town of Lexington has three outdoor locations for Pickleball:

  • Clarke Middle School: 3 tennis courts and 6 Pickleball courts (Clarke #3 is for Pickleball play only)

  • Adams Park: (located behind the Waldorf School) 2 tennis courts and 4 Pickleball courts. Please do not park on Ellen Dana Ct.

  • Valley Courts: (located on Valley Road) 2 tennis courts and 4 Pickleball courts. You need to bring your own nets to the Valley courts.

You must purchase a resident adult & senior Tennis/Pickleball memberships from the town. Details are here on the LexRec website.

Grace Chapel Gym: Currently the only indoor Pickleball Option is at Grace Chapel organized by the Lexington Pickeball Club. See the times above, and here for more information.

You can find Maps to all the locations here.